Looking for investor for social ECO-Hostel in Sweden
I am looking to start a Social ECO-hostel in south of Sweden.
Free roaming chucks in the garden allowing guests to pick their own freash eggs in the morning. might even have a pet goat and a mini pig, already have a beautiful dog.
Powered by wind and solar. Full Recycling etc ect
The main attraction of the hostel would be the garden, make it very relaxed. Have a green house warmed all year with a small bar inside. Grow vegetables for the breakfast etc etc. cozy lights and a bit of hippie inspired colours etc
It will be a place so nice and friendly that nobody is gonna want to leave the place, I hope :)
There should be a camp fire, sauna, bike hire etc and make everything we can to make the guest socialise together and make their stay truly rememberable.
Eco-tourism is growing huge in Skandinavia and the hippie and hipster culture is as big as ever.
I have 4 years manegement experience and some money my self but I will need an investor to share the palce with, maybe not 50/50 but say me 70/investor 30.
Please contact me if interested
Best regards,
Sofie Berner
[email protected]
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