Looking for a partner to help manage your operation?
Hello all,
It has always been my dream to live and work in Latin America. I have lived and traveled within the region several times. Currently, I live and work in Chicago, USA. I am looking to start living my dream by investing in small businesses in the region. We are a team of three with a combined array of business skills.
I am looking for local business that are in need of a remote partner to help their online presence and financial planning. This would include website development, web advertising, analytics, financial reporting and sales forecasting. We would help drive traffic to the business and manage operating expenses.
We would be interested in a number of different partnerships. We would consider equity ownership, royalties or contracting to name a few. Lets talk and figure out what works best for everyone!
Obviously we are looking for hostels, but we are open to other types of businesses in the tourism industry as well. Please send me an email if you would like to talk.
[email protected]
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