15 years
Google Wave suddenly gave me the option to invite people today. I have a few invites left if anyone wants one...
OpenOffice.org (OOo), the free office suite, is breaking records:
Sample statistic:
OOo has taken 25% of the office software market in Brazil.
More info on the Free Software page.
15 years
Google Wave suddenly gave me the option to invite people today. I have a few invites left if anyone wants one...
15 years
finally people open their eyes for opensource software and operating systems!
all public schools should run free linux distro's
12 years
I just came back to this thread because I had to delete a spam comment. :rolleyes:
Apparently, OpenOffice split and a new project called Libre Office was started:
It's based on the same code. I'm using Libre Office at the moment and like it.
12 years
Yes, I've gone to Libreoffice - seems to be good and under constant development. Not sure if openoffice is now dead due to licensing issues or something like that. Would recommend that anyone paying for office software or using works or something similar on their computer look at this. Offers very handy PDF export as well. Good to have it all in the one program.
12 years
It's hard to believe that Microsoft Word still can't export to PDF. :)
I've also been using Google Docs lately, since I have a few computers and a smartphone. I can edit the same document on all the devices that way. I tried to avoid Google Docs, but it's convenient when traveling.
12 years
I can certainly see the usefulness of something like google docs when traveling. I don't travel as much so it's not a huge problem. Plus I don't have that many documents to edit in the first place, so the old flash drive between locations works fine for me. I am pretty old fashioned, and tend to trust local storage and backup rather than having everything on someone else's servers. Even tho to be honest it's probably safer online. Though not necessarily as secure if an online account gets hacked.
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