Partnerships to open Retreat Hostel in Belgian Ardennes
Hello everybody!
We are creating a small Graide Retreat Hostel, mixing retreat and hostel concepts.
It is located in Belgial Southern Ardennes natural park in a 150-year old authentic farm.
Here are few descriptive points of the project
- we intend to offer personal development services
- the farm will be renovated in an ecologial respecting way, with max of authonomy (water, electricity) and frills (natural pull, mini spa)
- a small resident community wil be present to participate in running the hostel and the domain
- currently we strongly consider a cooperative model, but this is not final choice yet.
Therefore, I look for
- Investors and Operator to create and develop the business and/or
- Hostel/Retreat Administrator willing to participate in the project from an early phase (with possiblity to live at the domain).
You can contact me on [email protected].
.... I also look for a gardener to give a green hand... but this is probably out of topic :)
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