The Secret to Better Tips (touching customers)
This is interesting:
This Is Why You Feel The Urge To Give Your Server A Bigger Tip
The present study examined the effects of two types of touch in a controlled but natural setting, a restaurant. Waitresses briefly touched customers either on the hand or the shoulder as they were returning change. Customers' reactions were assessed by a restaurant survey and a novel behavioral measure, the tip expressed as a percentage of the bill. The tipping rate for the two types of touch did not differ from each other and did not differ according to the customer's gender. Both tipping rates were significantly larger than a control, no-touch condition. There were no touch effects on ratings of the waitress, the restaurant's atmosphere, or the dining experience. It was concluded that touch effects can occur without awareness, and that males will not react more negatively to touch than females when the touch is unobtrusive or free of status and dependency connotations.
Could the same technique be used for better reviews as well, or would that go to far? :)
- Comments
13 years
Here is another one from the same site:
Do you underestimate the power of touching?
Students who received a supportive touch on the back or arm from a teacher were nearly twice as likely to volunteer in class as those who did not, studies have found. A sympathetic touch from a doctor leaves people with the impression that the visit lasted twice as long...
"Touching might improve team performance..."
13 years
In Britain, touching would mean a risk of a court case for being a pedophile or molester. (Facetious, but not entirely so).
13 years
I wonder if people would respond the same to being touched by a male waiter? They seem to be talking about a female waitress touching the customer, which I can see would put people at ease. I have heard that hospitals will get a female nurse to hold the hand of a person in distress for the same reasons.
12 years
He linked to some more studies here:
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