12 years
Hi, we are building a hostel in La Plata, Argentina.
I will mention every "eco" action we are taking:
1) Save gas heating water with solar panels
2) Save water with a) electronic faucets, b) we are adding a timed water valve for showers. c) We will recirculate water from sinks and showers and reuse it for toilets, d) we will collect rain water
3) Save electricity a) using only leds lamps, b) we added a electricity saver device: if you do not introduce the room key card, lights (and every electrical device) will not go on . c) use only class A devices such as air conditioning
4) We will try to be a "Zero Garbage Facility", separating paper, glass, plastics, cans, etc and using a sink crusher for organics.
5) Our curtains will be made of used billboards materials
5) Some furniture will be made of recycled wood.
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