Ten Good Volunteer Traits
1. The volunteer is intensely social, friendly and insatiably interested in other people. They always want to know something interesting about other people and can recall that information later in conversation. They may even be a bit goofy or eccentric, but they are observant of the overall atmosphere and do not dominate the energy in the room.
2. They are good with names and know how important it is to make people feel welcome and important by using their name.
3. They are always polite and never rude. They are always inclusive of everyone regardless of any prejudices they may have.
4. Although they are not shy themselves, they recognize that most people are inherently shy and go out of their way to find guests that are having trouble meeting people. They make social connections between guests and are quick to make introductions.
5. They have high energy and is always looking for ways to be helpful. They are always willing to wash an extra dish or two and are happy to help someone read a map.
6. They are fascinated by the city or town the hostel is located in and are eager to see the sights in the city, usually with guests. They are always looking to go out when they are not working in the hostel and experience what the city has to offer.
7. They are moderate drinkers and do not rely on alcohol to be social or funny. Heavy drinkers usually end up sucking up energy when it comes time to take care of them.
8. They always follow up and are incredibly reliable. They understand guests are counting on them to show up.
9. They understand that community living requires that things be clean and tidy. They keep their belongings put away and always try not to be a burden on other volunteers or guests.
10. They understand that volunteering at a hotel is temporary and have plans for onward travel and adventures. They know that eventually the initial “buzz” and excitement will wear off and recognize that when that happens it’s time to move on.