If you've read my introductory blog post, you know that I've had a knack for self employment since I was a wee one. I've always wanted to own my own business.
Hostel Management Magazine Recent Articles
Backpackers in 2013: The only people who will travel half way around the world to experience other people and cultures be on Facebook. Likely while sitting next to someone from another country, who is watching YouTube. Eish.
At some point in my childhood I discovered that my mother had a life before I came along (yep, really!). As a wee one, this both surprised and fascinated me. Her travel adventures were especially exciting.
Anyone who has met me, ever, knows I am not a morning person. I'm also incredibly difficult to wake up. That being said, I have never jumped out of bed so fast as the first time the hostel fire alarm went off in the night.
As I'm writing this blog, I am continually asked by both hostels and fellow guests "So, what have you found? What are the best things a hostel can do?" There are certainly details I've seen that make places stand out, which I will continue to write about.
Last month we asked our membership to participant in a survey related to the proposed New York City hostel legislation. Below are the results of this survey along with some highlighted points from various respondents.
So far with these blogs I have been highlighting various 'best practices' that I've seen in hostels along the way.
Not all in life is as it seems. If you've ever been enticed by a fast food burger commercial you know what I mean. Forget that the meat actually looked real through the magic of HDTV. What really got me was the crispy lettuce and juicy tomato, so fresh out of the garden they bore water droplets.
My previous post talked about the importance of time management. Ironically, I stayed up until 3am writing that particular post even though I had a 6am wake up call the next morning.
It's true, I'll admit it. I thought this job would be pretty easy. Write about something I know? Sure thing. Do it while traveling? Even better.