15 years
this could be true - for SEO purposes tehres less competition and also, the fewer hostels the more likely a guest is to look up a particular hostel or check each hostels website, when theres dozens and dozens, having them all on one page makes it a lot easier.
From an SEO perspective, there are only 10 spots available on the first page of Google. If there are 50 (or even 100) hostels in a city, hardly any hostels are going to make the front page for the top keywords. WRI and Hostelbookers usually take up 30 to 40% or more of the first page of Google.
Example -- there are 7 main links in this screenshot, and six of them link to booking engines:
The booking engines also spend most of their marketing resources on the cities with a lot of hostels because there are more beds to sell.
If there are only a handful of hostels in a city (like in many/most US cities), it's even possible for all the hostels in a city to get listed on the first page of Google and get direct bookings.
I know at least one US city where the hostels have even managed to push the booking engines out of the top spots because the booking engines aren't concentrating on those cities. Fewer beds for them to sell...
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