15 years
Even if a room is not yet cleaned, I still want to be able check in. The guest pays for the room, gets the keycard, leaves his stuff in the luggage storage and goes out into town. He can return later and just move into his room without bothering the reception when it might be much busier than at the time when he checked in (but not moved into his room).
IIRC, we would wait to take payments at checkin, but roomMaster can also take payments for a guest without putting them in their room. When the guest comes back after the room is ready, just program a key for them and move their paid folio into the room.
The problem with roomMaster is that it was designed for hotels, and it also takes a long time to train people on it, so I wish there were a similar program that were designed for hostels.
when i was using roommaster, id just mark the 'room' clean and check them in in those situations. or just mark it as paid, make the key and make a note in the res saying 'arrived, paid, bags in storage, pls c/in' for whoever was on in the afternoon.
We didn't mark the room "clean" until it was clean because we didn't want the guests wandering into dirty private rooms. There was more than one housekeeper so if we marked it clean and they came down for an updated housekeeping report, they wouldn't know which rooms still had to be cleaned.
Front desk software should be open source -- every hostel has their own preferred way of doing things and the hostels could just customize the software to do what they wanted :)
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